The personal is political

Texas has been at war with women over reproductive healthcare for ages, and it is killing women—literally.

The maternal mortality rate in our state more than doubled between 1999–2019. At one point, we led the nation in maternal deaths; for context, the U.S. has more maternal deaths than any other developed nation.

Is the work that I did for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas groundbreaking? No.

But it’s here because it is work that matters deeply, to me and to the people of Texas.

Some of it was lighthearted fun, like a Valentine’s Day campaign to promote safe sex.

And some of it was serious, like informing Texans desperate for non-judgmental reproductive and gender affirming healthcare where to find it in a state obsessed with eradicating access.

Above: a mural we created for the University of Texas campus location

Valentine’s Day Campaign

We created a variety of small space print ads and digital banners to run in places like the Austin Chronicle, Dallas Observer, Grindr, and Facebook.

Sure, it’s copywriting 101, but I had a lot of fun.

Planned Parenthood Direct OOH Campaign

An estimated 35% of Texans live in a contraceptive desert—a county without adequate access to publicly funded birth control for all of the residents who need it.

This outdoor campaign utilized tandem boards to highlight the problem and introduce a solution: the Planned Parenthood Direct app, which lets people get prescriptions for birth control over the phone, without visiting a clinic.

Planned Parenthood Annual Calendar

More informative than tongue-in-cheek, with a focus on representative imagery throughout.


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